Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Farewell Scotty

Here’s an odd twist: James Doohan’s life was saved by smoking

The Canadians crossed a minefield laid for tanks; the soldiers weren’t heavy enough to detonate the bombs. At 11:30 that night, he was machine-gunned, taking six hits: one that took off his middle right finger (he managed to hide the missing finger on the screen), four in his leg and one in the chest. Fortunately the chest bullet was stopped by his silver cigarette case.
By the way, Scotty taught me everything I needed to know as an engineer running a major project: always inflate all time estimates.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    My favorite Scotty quote (as well as I can remember it on the fly): The major players are in the bowels of the new Enterprise in one of the later movies; upon being asked how they'll find their way to where they want to be, Scotty replies something like, "I built her. I know every bit of her like I know the back of my hand. [there is then a loud BONK as his head hits and overhead support or something]. See! There's a piece of her now." I like to died laughing.

