Saturday, July 23, 2005


According to this Fox News poll, there are few things that Americans regard as more boring than baseball. Responding “yes” to the question “do you find ____ boring?”

Al Franken – 93%
Baseball – 86%
C-Span – 61%
World Series of Poker – 42%
NASCAR – 12%
Professional football – 10%
Viking Pundit – 2%

Hey, numbers don’t lie.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I can think of one number that lies: (0) comments for your July 22 NASCAR item.

    But you're just being a wiseacre now. So there's no genuine need to educate you as to the new-girl-in-town reason why the media doesn't print "un-news" like "Chicken Still Tops With Eaters," "Experts: Hotter Weather Spurs Larger Beach Crowds" or "For 130th Year, Baseball Remains Popular."

    Look out, baseball! If NASCAR doesn't kill you, televised poker will! And celebrity ballroom dancing has a gun!

    Stick to analyses of Social Security's plight. And let's hope they aren't showcasing the same level of mathematical accuracy with which you've spent 10 years obdurately consigning baseball to the boneyard.

  2. Anonymous12:52 AM

    I like football a lot, but the idea that it is less boring than baseball is absurd.
