Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Dems’ big idea: giving you something you already have

Today, Fark linked to this Fox News story about the Democrats’ quest for conviction with this quip: “Democratic party to firmly be for something, as soon as the polls telling them what it is are completed.” So after months of bashing the Democrats for failing to take a position on Social Security reform, imagine my surprise when I caught this WashPost headline: “House Democrats to offer proposal for retirement savings.”

Could it be true? Have the Democrats finally faced up to the unavoidable realization that Social Security – that cornerstone of the New Deal – must be reformed to survive? Are they (gasp!) acting responsibly on this issue, putting aside short-term political gain for the long-term fiscal security of the nation?

Alas, no. You have to scan down to the very end of the story to figure out what the Democrats are proposing:

An outline of the Democratic plan said it would "dramatically increase the number of people investing in 401(k) accounts by encouraging employers to automatically enroll eligible employees into 401(k) or other retirement plans unless the employee chooses not to participate." Thomas also favors requiring workers to opt out rather than opt in.
Big whoop - this gives the word “token” a bad name. The Democrats are going to make employers do automatically what most people do voluntarily: sign up for a 401(k). (“Dramatically increase” my ass). This proposal does absolutely nothing to address Social Security’s looming insolvency. Its nefarious purpose, rather, is to offer a countermeasure to the Republicans’ personal account plan and provide a smidgen of political cover.

You know, one blogger posts on the top of his page: "If your goal is to change minds and influence people, it's probably not a good idea to begin by asserting that virtually all elected Democrats are liars. But what the hell." Why not? The evidence keeps piling up.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Can this possibly be the DNC entire idea:

    "An outline of the Democratic plan said it would "dramatically increase the number of people investing in 401(k) accounts by encouraging employers to automatically enroll eligible employees into 401(k) or other retirement plans unless the employee chooses not to participate." Thomas also favors requiring workers to opt out rather than opt in."

    An astonishingly liberal solution: coercion. I think that its stupid not to invest in a 401k but the answer shouldn't be to force everyone to do so. Its the Social Security mindset all over again

