Monday, July 25, 2005

All your base are belong to us

What a great day to be a Republican. All of our traditional enemies are split, demoralized, and increasingly irrelevant:

The mainstream media:

The conventional news media are embattled. Attacked by both left and right in book after book, rocked by scandals, challenged by upstart bloggers, they have become a focus of controversy and concern. Their audience is in decline, their credibility with the public in shreds. In a recent poll conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, 65 percent of the respondents thought that most news organizations, if they discover they've made a mistake, try to ignore it or cover it up, and 79 percent opined that a media company would hesitate to carry negative stories about a corporation from which it received substantial advertising revenues.
The unions:

Declaring "a new era for American workers," Teamsters President James P. Hoffa prepared his workers Monday for an historic split from the AFL-CIO, labor's umbrella organization representing 56 unions.

This change in audience location altered the balance of power inside the studios. It reduced the once-almighty movie distribution arms to minor players while awarding star status to the home entertainment divisions that produced well over three times as much revenue. Through this reversal of fortunes, the stage has been set for what a top studio executive warned could be "Hollywood's death spiral."
Can the lawyers be far behind?

Financial markets appear to have yawned over the nomination of John G. Roberts Jr. to the U.S. Supreme Court. They shouldn't have.
Roberts may well help tilt the scales in coming legal battles over tort reform that will have dramatic effects on corporate profits and the economy. That is, of course, assuming he is confirmed.
Soon it will all be ours! Bwahahahaha!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:28 AM

    I always enjoy your blog. I notice you don't get many comments but you should. Your posts are interesting. I especially enjoyed this one! The MSM is getting more hysterical and obvious, the Labor Unions are at least 40% Republican, and the Democratic Party is embarrassing at least half of its members. Good post!
