Monday, June 27, 2005

Schizophrenic Democrats - Here’s Michael Barone with “A Fundamental Split in the Democratic Party”: “Democrats are watching with glee as Bush's job approval stays stuck below 50 percent. But a party that happily allies itself with the likes of and many of whose leading members have lost the ability to distinguish between opposition to an incumbent administration and rooting for our nation's enemies has got serious problems. Especially when it is called on again, as it will be sooner or later, to govern.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    How true. Those Democrats are pathetic. Their vile political machinations render them unfit to assume the mantle of running this country.

    Remember when they stopped everything they were doing (they even came back from the Easter holiday recess!) to push through legislation that trampled over state's rights and inserted the federal government into an individual and private family tragedy just so they could throw some red meat to their fringe supporters?

    ...oh wait...that was the GOP...

    ...well the Dems still suck...
