Saturday, June 25, 2005

The ole’ switcheroo

Opinion Journal suggests sending National Security advisor Steven Hadley to the United Nations and appointing (not subject to Senate approval) John Bolton as NSA:

The White House temptation will be to cut its political losses with a recess appointment. But while Mr. Bolton was the immediate target, the worst damage here has been to Mr. Bush's own political prestige and foreign policy. One of his most loyal supporters is being denied confirmation for nothing more than promoting Mr. Bush's policy too vigorously. He shouldn't take it lying down.
Last week I said it was virtually certain that Bolton would receive a recess appointment but now I’m not so sure. Notwithstanding the Democrats’ obstruction, Bush is deferential to the role of Congress as a whole, as evidenced by his incapability to veto a single bill so far. Maybe Bill Frist will work out a deal but I doubt it. It’s either a recess appointment next week or nothing.

ExtraStrata-Sphere says the recess appointment is coming and it’s “all win” for Bush.


  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    President Rice should make Bolton her Secretary of State after her election in 2008.

  2. After the failed Bolton cloture vote, at a presser I just watched on C-SPAN, an MSM reporter asked Senators George Allen and Pat Roberts if they thought that a recess appointment of Bolton would weaken him by making him seem like an Ambassador without the Senate's support.



    Because it would irrefutably demonstrate to all the turkies at the UN that Bolton has the UNQUESTIONABLE SUPPORT of PRESIDENT BUSH - and that's what REALLY counts!

    That would give Bolton all the CLOUT he needs. Other UN Ambassadors would know they're dealing with a man the POTUS backs.


  3. Reliapundit has a good point.

    I also think a recess appointment would serve to force irresponsible methods of obstruction in the Senate -- caricature, obfuscation, delay for it's own sake and willful attempts at reaking havoc in the administration of government -- in the trashcan where it belongs and put the appointment process on a more responsible, mature basis in the future.

    Like playing with a toy, spoiled children are best awakened to their tantrum-like behavior by taking the toy away.

  4. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Gosh! A rightwing site says that a hypothetical move is "all win" for Bush? What a scoop! That's got all the credibility of a WWF announcer declaring that an upcoming pay-per-view will be the biggest and best event ever!

    The pro wrestling analogy is a sound one, judging from the bloggers howling for Stone Cold George Bush to whup some sorry Democratic ass by recess appointing Bolton... because that's the bottom line, if you smell-ell-ell what the Rove is cookin'! U! S! A! U! S! A!
