Monday, June 20, 2005

Not a chance – Senator Joe Biden (D-“Meet the Press” green room) wants to be President. He’ll have to beat the Senate curse and the Rule of 14.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Ah, the Rule of 14. It works, and it disqualifies many of the 2008 contenders that are being touted by the blogosphere. George Allen, for example, will have gone 18 yrs since his first election to a major public office in 2008. Mitt Romney, only 6. McCain will be at 26 years! Rudy will be at 15, but the rule may not disqualify him as it has generally not been tested on odd numbered counts, meaning that it could actually be the Rule of 15 for all we know. If you count Hillary's tenure as First Lady as the beginning of her 14 yrs, she'll be at 16.

    In other words, if it's Rudy v. Hillary, Rudy's still "fresher."
