Thursday, June 23, 2005

Nancy Pelosi’s acid trip to an alternate reality

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi and whip Steny Hoyer have a letter to the WashPost, objecting to the recent editorial “Where are the Democrats?” In Bizarro World, it’s the Democrats who recognize Social Security’s solvency problem:

Democrats have repeatedly and unequivocally stated from the start of this debate that Social Security faces a long-term challenge that must be addressed.
And have solutions:

We are eager to discuss how to make Social Security strong into the next century, and we have many ideas on how to do so.
Many, many, many ideas. Boy howdy, you wouldn’t believe the ideas we have! Oh my stars, the ideas. Wait until you hear them, these ideas, which we have. It’s an embarrassment of ideas. Whew.

Extra: More ideas and positive feedback from Democrats Schumer and Bingaman, who won’t let some stupid reporter get in the way of their ideas. No sir!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    It's just that the ideas are stopped up! They need more SCREAMS from Howard Dean before they will be shaken loose!!!

    Their equivalent of a "brain enema".
