Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Chillin’ and winnin’

According to Roll Call (subscription required) the filibuster fight may have helped Bill Frist and the Republicans while forcing the Democrats onto their heels:

GOP pollster David Winston has a different take on where the country is headed than most major papers and pollsters would indicate. While most are looking for intra-party fighting on right, Winston finds:

The real story of the last month is the implosion of the Democratic Party — Reid in strategic retreat on judges, Democrat defections on key issues, Dean making headlines for all the wrong things and party fundraising in the tank.”
Advantage: Coalition of the Chillin’!

Update - Janice Rogers Brown will get her up-or-down vote now that the cloture vote passed today (65-32). She is certain to be confirmed by the Senate tomorrow (sorry, Washington Post!)

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