Saturday, June 25, 2005

Be sure to check out U2’s new album “Live at Red Rocks

Mark Kilmer has the Sunday morning talk show lineup and I have to poke fun at his attempt to be hip:

Host Tim Russert will talk to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld about Iraq. And Bono, the lead singer for the British rock band U2: “Sunday, Bloody Sunday.” (His cause is Africa.)
Ahem. Well, the Irish band U2 has had a couple of hits in the two decades since “Sunday Bloody Sunday.” We’re living in the 21st century now, Mark. Get with the times.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:39 PM

    In my humble estimation, Eric, the last hip U2 album was 1983's War (Two Hearts Beat as One, Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year's Day. Beginning with that gawdawful live album, Under a Blood Red Sky, the got real old real fast.

    This evening, though, I listened to a Swedish composer named Oscar Bystrom. No one's heard of him, but he's very good... and he's a Swede.
