Wednesday, June 29, 2005

An apostate in the Church of Gaia

Robert Samuelson is having none of it in “Global Hypocrisy”:

Almost a decade ago I suggested that global warming would become a "gushing" source of political hypocrisy. So it has. Politicians and scientists constantly warn of the grim outlook, and the subject is on the agenda of the upcoming Group of Eight summit of world economic leaders. But all this sound and fury is mainly exhibitionism -- politicians pretending they're saving the planet. The truth is that, barring major technological advances, they can't (and won't) do much about global warming. It would be nice if they admitted that, though this seems unlikely.
It’s funny that the same people who hold an unshakable belief in global cooling warming also reject the mathematical certainty of Social Security’s insolvency. Too much arithmetic, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    This has been my greatest puzzle. It is not too difficult to project the course of Social Security, because the variables are few enough. And it is clearly headed for crisis (if the liberals knew there was going to be a stock market crash resulting in the loss of 25% of value, they would call that a crisis!). But the climate change models have not even been able to accurately backcast climate, because there are so many variables, let alone forecast. But liberals beleive it as fervently as any religion.
