Sunday, May 29, 2005

Satisfying on so many levels

Do you know the haughty French? The cheese-eating surrender monkeys who are constantly haranguing the United States for our unilateral, self-interested policies? Today they overwhelmingly ignored urgent pleas by Jacques Chirac to give up their sovereignty and rejected the EU Constitution. So Chirac is humiliated, the worldly French are exposed as selfish hypocrites, and Europe will continue to have little leverage over the U.S. economy. It’s all good.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Zut alors! Look at this post I found on

    Do you know the haughty Americans? The pork-eating invader monkeys who are constantly haranguing Europe for its unilateral, self-interested policies? Today they overwhelmingly ignored urgent pleas by George W. Bush to reform Social Security and rejected the primary policy effort of his second term. So Bush is humiliated, the worldly Yanks are exposed as selfish hypocrites, and the U.S. will continue to have little leverage over its own economy. It’s all tres bon.
