Sunday, May 08, 2005

The NY Times to emulate Fox News, blogs

An internal committee at the New York Times assembled a report on how to restore confidence in the paper and appeal to a wider audience. From Editor & Publisher:

The committee also recommended that the paper "increase our coverage of religion in America" and "cover the country in a fuller way," with more reporting from rural areas and of a broader array of cultural and lifestyle issues.

The "credibility" committee also declared that The Times should respond to its critics. The report urged The Times to explain itself "actively and earnestly" to critics and to readers often confused when charges go unanswered. "We strongly believe it is no longer sufficient to argue reflexively that our work speaks for itself," the report stated. "In today's media environment, such a minimal response damages our credibility," it added.
In other words: “We’re going to dialogue with the Bible-thumping hicks in flyover country.” How the high and mighty have fallen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord Jesus there are more of us hicks in the Red States, Sissy!