Monday, May 09, 2005

Irony alert

Twenty-year Senator with paper-thin legislative record condemns inaction in Washington - “Kerry adopting the rhetoric of a D.C. outsider”:

''He's the last politician that people are going to buy as an outsider. That dog won't hunt," said Jeffrey Berry, a political science professor at Tufts University. ''John Kerry ran for president, and he has a long record in politics. He just doesn't come across as an outsider."
And remember when Kerry was the Democrats’ choice because of his “electability?” Well, failing to actually get elected tends to put a damper on that image:

Frank Vine, a 54-year-old school psychologist who came to the Baton Rouge rally, said he likes the new message but wonders if Kerry could ever take the presidency. ''I'd support him in a heartbeat, but I want someone electable," said Vine, who lives in the Baton Rouge suburb of Zachary. ''We haven't had much luck with Northern liberals."
Run, Hillary, run!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:39 AM

    It might work. He's certainly an "outsider" in the Senate.
