Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Flipper is great in 2008

Democrats can’t wait for John Kerry to run for president again:

“I think he proved he cannot connect with people,” said Joe Cari, who served as national finance director of the DNC in 2000 and who estimated that he had raised about $100,000 for Kerry’s presidential campaign. “I don’t see his candidacy going anywhere. You tell me people in the Democratic Party are going to live, eat and breathe John Kerry again. I don’t see it. I don’t see any fervor.”
Feel the love!

“I think he was woefully inadequate,” [Democratic fundraiser Michael] Bauer said. “He was an amazingly lousy candidate. He worked hard to lose that election.”
So he’s a hard worker! Whoo-hoo! Go, John, go!


  1. In one way, I'm still sad that the 04' election campaign is past us. I miss your daily commentary on the Kerry campaign.

    Looking forward to '08 -- there's still so much laughter for you to wring from Candidate Kerry.

  2. In one way, I'm still sad that the 04' election campaign is past us. I miss your daily commentary on the Kerry campaign.

    Looking forward to '08 -- there's still so much laughter for you to wring from Candidate Kerry.

  3. Effin Blogger. On the bright side, I was able to post a comment!

  4. Their assumption is that Kerry should have won easily because he was up against the Smirking Chimp. Obviously I think that's a mistaken assumption, but I sorta hope they stick with it. I'd rather not see Lurch as the nominee again.
