Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Fifteen minutes of fame stretched over three decades - After milking it for thirty years, Woodward and Bernstein confirm W. Mark Felt was Deep Throat. I hate those guys (mostly the media whore Woodward) because they’re held up as the exemplars of journalism. Well, hell, I could win a Pulitzer too if I had a deputy director of the FBI feeding me critical information. Unfortunately, there's no chance these guys will shut up. I guarantee they'll be on "Meet the Press" Sunday.

Follow-up from the Corner: “Credit the Today show for having on a very feisty Pat Buchanan and Chuck Colson this morning to balance out the huzzahs for Vanity Fair and Mark Felt. Buchanan ended by saying Woodward and Bernstein ended up as "stenographers." Matt Lauer felt compelled to tout them for having kept the Deep Throat secret for decades. Why wouldn't they keep the secret? It's been a celebrated multi-millionaire's life for those two since Watergate, and the Deep Throat thing was a juicy part of the legend.” My thoughts exactly.


  1. Anonymous1:01 AM

    I ahve been struggling with a post on this 'who gives a damn' story du jour, and then I trapse in hear and you boil my entire thought process down to one short paragraph.


    I hate you now that it's 1AM...but beautiful.


  2. Eric can do that. I've gotten into the habit of checking here first to see if I'm going to be wasting my time writing on something.

    Really nice post, Eric.

  3. Anonymous3:44 PM

    You must concede, though, that the revelation is nastily unfortunate timing for the side shouting "unnamed sources = shoddy journalism." Particularly those in the this-is-not-for-attribution GWB White House.

  4. Anonymous5:35 PM

    if you concede that, it follows that you would also have to concede that it's fair play for the intelligence community to manipulate the media for its own ends - for good or ill of the country.

  5. Anonymous5:58 PM

    The media frenzy over "deep throat" is quite a sight.

    If we back up and look at this objectively we have one unethical fellow (Nixon) undone by another (deep throat). Shouldn't our reaction be "A pox on both"? Why would ethical people want to associate with either? Who would praise unethical behavior?

    If the ends justify the means, where does that take us?

  6. Anonymous9:03 PM

    This FBI Traitor will be cannonized by the Left as a hero because he gave them, in their view, legitimacy. Contrary to popular belief, in 1972 there were MILLIONS of Americans who were disgusted by the antics of Woodward and company. But back then there was no alternative voice. Today there is. This Blog is a perfect example. Rush Limbaugh is another. Ken Starr exposed Clinton, but did he recieve the same acclaim as The Washington Post? Did "Little Green Footballs", for exposing Rathergate? See the difference when the shoe is on the other foot? If Woodward is a hero, then John Hawkins is God. Woodward didn't let us opine on his thread. Hawkins does. 'nough said.

  7. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Sadly, I'm finding less and less reason and desire to return here to read the same hypocricy I get everywhere else. It's the same old conservative and republican equals good; liberal and democrat equals bad. They all are bad. Limbaugh, Frist and company are as big a bunch of lying hypocrites as Al Franken and Ted Kennedy are. Sorry, but using the words of Pat Buchanan to bolster any opinion is where I get off the bus.

  8. Mike! How could you say such a thing? Tsk..tsk.

    Be fair now: I defy you to go through my archives and cite a single quote or reference to Rush (or David) Limbaugh or Al Franken. And quoting Buchanan wasn't designed to "bolster" my point other than to note that he said almost the exact same thing.

    As for Frist vs. Kennedy: one of them is a surgeon who spends his vacations treating the sick in Africa. The other...doesn't.

    But that's simplifying. As is "they're all bad."

    Clearly, I believe that one political persuasion is superior to another. The blog is an open forum. Let's debate.

  9. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Bill Frist is also a medical doctor who tells what he knows to be lies (Schiavo diagnosis, AIDS transmission) in the hopes of winning the '08 support of the conservative base. Which he likely will not. What ideological pandering Ted Kennedy does is generally from a far purer place, whether or not you agree with his leftist views.

    The attempts to parallel Deep Throat's leaks to the many audacious crimes of the Nixon administration, or to Starr's trickle-down fellatio revelation, are sad. As is the notion that, if only Fox News had begun in 1970, that whole impeachment thing would have been quashed. (As most of the country really wanted, but alas, could not express.)

    Maybe not attempts as sad as the sight of the surviving Nixon crew scrambling out to rejustify their actions to a third disbelieving generation (Watergate wasn't about subverting the Constitution, it was about John Dean's hookers across the street!). But sad nonetheless.

    Lastly, although Woodward clearly has the touch of publicity whore about him (Carl Bernstein has kept a much lower profile, though that weakens the digression), they and the Post did honor to their profession in keeping mum. Compare it to Robert Novak protecting his ass... er, sources. Compare their "millionaire's lives" and the reason they got them with that of G. Gordon Liddy. Compare their public service to those who sneered at Kerry's shrapnel, or dug up Bush's drunk driving rap sheet.

    In Watergate, it seems we have "one unethical fellow" whose administration engaged in patterns of criminal conspiracy, obstruction of justice, misuse of the FBI, hiding evidence, illegal wiretappings and break-ins, and perjury, plus one legal admission of criminal guilt in voluntarily accepting a presidential pardon.

    And we have "another unethical fellow" who secretly said so. Yup, that's a real "six of one, half a dozen of the other" scenario there.

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