Friday, May 20, 2005

Cover confusion

I consider myself pretty well versed in music trivia, so imagine my surprise when I heard "You Better Run" on my satellite radio, sung by the Rascals. It was a #20 hit for them in 1966. All this time, I thought it was originally done by Pat Benetar!

Also on XM: they played Queen's #1 hit "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" then said it was originally done by Elvis! Oh, man, I'm going to have to check ITunes later for that one. Crazy.


  1. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Lies from the skies! "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" was written by Freddie Mercury in 1979. Elvis Presley died in 1977. Elvis may be singing it right now, but you ain't gonna find it on iTunes.

  2. I didn't think so, but the DJ clearly said it was an Elvis cover. Maybe she meant Elvis Costello.

  3. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Ahhh, she just screwed up. I don't care if she meant Elvis Presley, Elvis Costello, or Elvis Grbac, the song was written by Freddie Mercury; it's pretty safe to assume he had first dibs on it.

    The Queen song is arranged in that echo-ey, spare 1954-56 Elvis Presley style, which must be where the confusion comes from.

