Friday, May 13, 2005

A comical inversion of the facts

Charles Krauthammer writes that the rules change to overcome the filibuster of judicial nominees is not radical, but a suitable response to unprecedented obstructionism – “Nuclear? No, restoration”:

Two hundred years of tradition has been radically and unilaterally changed by the minority. Why? The reason is obvious. Democrats have not had a very good run recently in the popularly elected branches. Since choosing the wrong side of the culture wars of the 1960s, they have won only three of the past 10 presidential elections. A decade ago they lost control of the House for the first time in 40 years, and now have lost all the elected branches. They are in a panic that they will lose their one remaining ability to legislate -- through the courts.
I sincerely hope that the Republicans take what some have called the “Byrd option” or the “constitutional option” but frankly I’m skeptical that they have the votes, no matter what Mitch McConnell might say. Hope I’m wrong. Bring on the recess appointments.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Krauthammer's throw-in wisdom:
    "Since choosing the wrong side of the culture wars of the 1960s, they have won only three of the past 10 presidential elections."

    Take a bath, Humphrey and McGovern, you damn dirty hippies!

    Open American culture when distributed abroad = the enviable freedom that topples tyrants;

    The identical open American culture at home = the "wrong side" of the 1960s culture war.

    "Let the market decide... unless it chooses rappers and boobies!"
