Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Amazing Race update – Magical Mystery Tour

In previous seasons of TAR, the path of the Race has generally followed an eastward direction around the world with some minor westward jaunts. However, last week the teams headed from India to Turkey and tonight from Turkey to London, England. If they’re still planning on going “around” the world, the final leg of the Race is going to be loooong.

Anyway, teams started out from Istanbul, Turkey and needed first to go to a local train station and find some whirling dervishes and the next clue. This clue instructed teams to head to London and find the crosswalk made famous by a Beatles album cover. Ron & Kelly, who were stripped of their cash after coming in last in the previous leg, had to beg some locals for money but eventually made it to the airport (where an unadorned ex-pageant queen Kelly begged a ticket clerk for some lipstick). There they managed to make an earlier flight, along with Rob & Amber, through Frankfurt and arriving in London around 8am. The other teams took a direct flight arriving around 9:30am.

Once in London, Team America and Team Survivor scrambled to find the Underground train to Paddington Station and Abbey Road. For about the fifth time in TAR7, Rob & Amber capitalized on their celebrity and found some guy (with the Anglican name of Stuart, of course) to direct them around London. Although any team can enlist assistance from locals, Team Survivor has an uncanny ability to find people to not only help them, but to guide them all around the city. After Abbey Road, all teams (Team Codger and Team Africa arrived later) make their way to the London Eye.

Once at the London Eye – a huge Ferris wheel on the banks of the Thames River – teams needed to go up and scan the skyline for a TAR flag. Rob & Amber find it first, exit the wheel, find the building where the next clue is located (with Stuart’s help) and head off to the Detour.

Detour: Brains or Brawn. Teams may either solve a series of riddles while traveling through the London Underground, or lift five boats from a river and stack them. Both Team Survivor and Team America take “brains” and solve a series of clues that eventually lead to Baker Street and the Sherlock Holmes museum. Once again, this task is made much easier with a tagalong guide who knows exactly what train to take to every destination. Rob & Amber arrive at 221B Baker Street first and head to the Millennium Dome. “Yield Ahead” - Team America is only minutes behind.

Meanwhile, Team Africa and Team Codger decide to stack boats. This seemed to be an unwise choice for Meredith & Gretchen and Uchenna briefly helps the elderly couple before he’s reminded that teams can’t help each other during challenges. Uchenna & Joyce finish first and head to the Millennium Dome.

After Stuart returns to his life, Rob & Amber arrive at the Millennium Dome first and there’s the final Yield of the Race. Team Survivor decides to yield Team America and they place Ron & Kelly’s picture on the Yield sign. This notifies Team America that they must wait one hour (an hourglass runs out) until they can get the next clue. This next clue is the Roadblock and one team member must drive a double-decker bus through a course in the parking lot without hitting any cones. Rob decides to drive the bus. Ron & Kelly arrive soon afterward and they’re not at all pleased to see that they’ve been yielded; Kelly takes out a ballpoint pen and draws devil’s horns on Rob’s head. Nice!

In the end, it doesn’t seem to matter much since Ron & Kelly move on to the Roadblock before the last two teams even arrive at the Dome. During the hour-long interval, however, Rob completes the course and receives the next clue informing Team Survivor to head to the Pit Stop at Potter’s Field Park, next to the Tower of London. They arrive as Team #1, win yet another prize, and Phil asks about their luck. “Oh we’ve been lucky!” says Rob. Yeah, Rob, lucky.

Back at the Roadblock, Kelly, Meredith and Joyce are all trying to maneuver the huge buses through a series of cones. Kelly finishes first and Team America makes it to the Pit Stop as Team #2. Next, Joyce parks the bus and Team Africa races through a darkening London to arrive as Team #3. Finally, the long-lasting, hard-fighting Team Codger arrived in last place and they are eliminated.

Final standings:

#1 – Team Survivor – Rob & Amber
#2 – Team America – Ron & Kelly – YIELDED
#3 – Team Africa – Uchenna & Joyce
#4 – Team Codger – Meredith & Gretchen – ELIMINATED

Next week: The final three teams race for the $1 million grand prize and the title as winners of The Amazing Race 7 in the two-hour finale.

Extra: Kris! If you’re in the Western Massachusetts vicinity, come on over next week for an Amazing Race party. The seasonal Sam Adams Summer Ale just came out.

Bonus: Here’s Brainster’s update too.


  1. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Thank you so much-I missed the show & was dying to find out what happened. I'm glad Rob & Amber are still in it. I hope they win it all.

  2. I have finished my recap. Thanks for the link again last week, Eric.

    I was glad that the teams chose different tasks at the detour, although I had to feel that the "brains" portion was a little overrated. None of the singles knew Baker Street, but all they had to do was ask.

    One of the commenters on Kris' thread brings up a good point; Rob & Ambuh should have Yielded Uchenna and Joyce in an effort to get Meredith & Gretchen into the finals with the idea that they would be weaker competition. You know that their Yield didn't get them much, as inevitably there will be a transportation bottleneck next week that will bring them all back to a tied situation.

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I'm sure when prizes are given for first place winners is predetermined ahead of time, but it does seem Rob and Amber always finish first when there happens to be a prize.

    Two weeks ago, Joyce had to shave her head in order for Team Africa to finish first, yet no prize was given. Then last week, Team Africa finishes first as well, yet not only do they not win a prize, but the last place team, Ron and Kelly, win the prize because they picked up the right gnome.

  4. I seem to remember that Rob and Amber finished the roadblock before Ron and Kelly even made it to the Yield, meaning they were already almost an hour ahead of them at that point.

  5. Anonymous12:13 PM

    But Rob and Amber are spawns of Satan. Can this dipshit go a few minutes without his Bosox hat? My guess, is they will win, leaving them with at least two hours of fame instead of 15 minutes.

    Say what you like about Meredith and Gretchen, but they gave it their all. Rob will never be that spry in his old age.

  6. That's a lot of hate for someone you don't even know. BTW, he was wearing a knit cap with the Union Jack on it at the end of this episode.

    I fail to see how R&A are the Spawns of Santa. Not once have they given presents to children, although I think Rob did laugh "Ho ho ho!" one time when he pulled off one of his fairly useless but amusing tricks.

    I think you're jealous.

  7. One of my commenters clued me into something that is not mentioned in Meredith's official bio on the show. Although he spent most of his career in association management, he was in the military prior to that and was among the soldiers selected to guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which is an elite posting. Perhaps it isn't as surprising as it might seem that they did so well.

    Interestingly, Meredith lists his most exciting moment guarding the Tomb as "Every time I stepped upon the mat." (Soldiers patrol on a mat in front of the Tomb). So Meredith was an especially appropriate person to compete in the Amazing Race.

  8. Noticing when people are being dirtbags has nothing to do with jealousy. It seems to me that Rob and Ambuh succeed because they exploit not just their unfair advantage (being known worldwide for Survivor) but also the good natures of the other teams. They don't win because they are particularly skilled or smart, they win because they actively try to sabotage the other teams and get led around by camera-hungry fans who they mock to the camera behind their backs. Those may be the rules of the game, but that doesn't make me have to like it.

    And it is unfair for them to win so much stuff, no matter how the game is set up, when Uchenna and Joyce win two legs in a row and get nothing, not to mention Joyce shaving her head for an advantage of about two minutes. The producers of the show could give anyone anything they wanted to give, and I think other teams have earned prizes at least as much as R&A.

    The smugness is what really annoys me. Rob proved he was a dirtbag on Survivor, not when he tricked Lex into keeping Ambuh around but when he refused to acknowledge that he lied about it. It's one thing to be a lying sack of crap, but entirely another to pretend you're not one when you are. Richard Hatch never pretended he was a good person; he just won the game. He still strikes me as a more honorable person than either Rob or Amber, who rode Rob's coattails the whole way through Survivor and still does. I may watch the last episod of TAR, but it will nauseate me if they win yet another $1M.

  9. As I tell my kids, fair doesn't have anything to do with outcomes. It's about everyone playing by the same rules. Outcomes are irrelevant to fair. Ask yourself: is everyone playing under the same set of rules? Yes. Then it's fair.

    The fact that certain teams, and you, are self-imposing an additional set of "nice guy" rules that don't actually exist in the game handicaps them. It doesn't mean that people who follow the actual rules of the game are playing unfairly.

  10. Anonymous11:28 AM

    HURRAY for UCHENNA and JOYCE! Hurray for their integrity, civility, and the power of their bright shiny inner strength!

    I am SOOO happy they won! They SOOOO deserved it!

  11. Anonymous11:50 AM

    i'm so happy uchenna and joyce won. i learnt a lesson from them though. co-operation and good communication in marriage is the key to successful relationship.

  12. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I am so glad that Rob and Amber did not win. I had vowed not to watch the Amazing Race again if they won. Uechenna and Joyce deserved to win, they were nice and honorable even till the end, begging for money until they could pay the cab driver. On the other hand, Rob was obnoxious. I hope I don't see anymore of him. I, for one, will not watch their nuptials on TV. I hope very few people do.

  13. Anonymous1:26 AM

    hi all I am in Australia and have just reached the end of TAR 7. I am so relieved that Rob & Amber did not win. Watching them all season has made me hate them for their smugness and obnoxious attitude towards everything. I don't feel that it was fair for them to be in it to begin with as they have already been on Survivor. I'm sure there were many other people who would have benefited more by being on it. I also hated the way Rob grabbed any local he could find and let them do the hard work for them. In future no outside help should be allowed.
    Congratulations to Uchena and Joyce who truly deserved to win. They are very gracious people and a good example for all.
    No doubt R & A made money on their wedding anyway! Why does American tv feel they are so worthy of giveaways??

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