Saturday, April 23, 2005

I guess Janet Reno was right after all - Cuban Castaway Elian Gonzalez Thanks Americans for Helping Him Return Home to Cuba


  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Because we all know that Fidel would never coerce anyone.

  2. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Fidel doesn't have to coerce him. I'm sure Fidel can divert signficant Cuban resources to Elian to make him happy so that the Great Leader gets good PR from leftist western media. After all Fidel diverts enough Cuban resources to himself and his cronies to keep themselves happy, what is one more boy.

  3. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Finally, the update America has been waiting to hear! And in the 6 terrible years since we lost Elian, his crucially important legal battle has proven to be a harbinger and a precedent for.... ????

  4. The happiest day of my life would be the day I saw my Mom again. Won't happen. She killed herself when I was four. I have no doubt that Fidel's spinmeisters helped write his statement, but I assure you, THAT sentiment was his, alone.
