Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Equal time

Well, if I can criticize the GOP, then James Carville and Paul Begala can criticize the Democrats. Here they are in USA Today: “Democrats must change everything.”

Sure, we'd like it if Democrats were seen as the party of faith, family and the flag. And we'd like it if Democrats would fight corporate interests more and take their special interest money less. But the biggest problem the Democrats face is not that they're seen as standing for too many liberal issues or standing for too many conservative positions. It's that Democrats aren't seen as standing for anything.
Unfortunately, most of their advice to “believe in something” reads like a John Kerry stump speech, long on bombast and short on specifics (i.e. “we need reform.”) Last month, I noted that Democrats have no discernable opinion on a centerpiece of Democratic politics: Social Security. Election 2006 is going to be a battle royale between the Democrats’ nihilism and the Republicans’ fecklessness.

How depressing.

1 comment:

  1. most of their advice to “believe in something” reads like a John Kerry stump speech, long on bombast and short on specifics (i.e. “we need reform.”)

    Yes, yes. But like Kerry, do they have a plan?
