Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Amazing Race update – A passage across India

In the second half of a two-part episode, teams continued the Race in Lucknow, India. Even though Meredith & Gretchen were way behind the other teams, it all didn’t matter since the next clue instructed teams to gather at the Lucknow train station and wait for a train on platform 2; there the teams find the marked train doesn’t leave until 9pm. After a 24 hour (!) train ride to Jodhpur, India, teams needed to find a clock tower in the local market. Surprise: that doesn’t open until the next morning so it’s a bunching double-whammy.

As the sun rises, we see the remaining five teams head up the clock tower to find the next clue and it’s a Fast Forward/Detour combo. One team may choose to take the Fast Forward and this time it’s Uchenna & Joyce who leap at the chance. All the other teams must choose between Trunk or Dunk: for the Detour they may either move a heavy teak elephant down the street to a temple or dunk a bunch of sheets in tie-dye to find the next clue. All teams pick the Trunk and push the elephants down crowded street, enlisting help from the locals along the way. Teams finish this Detour pretty much in the order of their athletic ability with Team America first, followed by Team Survivor, Team Showtunes, and then Team Codger who were somewhat handicapped by the fact that (for some reason) Gretchen decided to ride on top of the elephant instead of helping to push. The next clue instructs teams to head to a local farm and off they go in cramped auto-rickshaws.

Meanwhile, Team Africa is searching for a riverfront temple and the Fast Forward and idly wondering if this is task requiring that they shave their heads. Obviously, they’ve seen season 5 of TAR where one team (Brendan & Nicole, who happened to be professional models) refused to take the same challenge. Of course, as part of an Indian custom, they must shave their heads to complete the task. This is meaningless for Uchenna who is completely bald, but Joyce has beautiful hair. Even so, she doesn’t hesitate for a moment and the Indian man starts cutting away. But once Joyce’s locks start falling around her, she starts to cry a little and Uchenna tries to console her by repeating “you look beautiful” for the remainder of the show. After Joyce is done, they receive the clue instructing them to head to the Pit Stop at Jaswant Thada – a stunning castle on the heights of Jodhpur – and they arrive as Team #1.

The remaining teams are heading from the Detour to the Roadblock: one team member must “race” a camel cart around a track (“race” as in the team members have help from a driver and another guide.) Kelly edges out Amber and Team America heads off to the Pit Stop with Team Survivor close behind. Meanwhile, Lynn is racing against Meredith and they finish the course a couple minutes later. All four remaining teams are then shown in their auto-rickshaws heading to the Pit Stop and, although you have a rough idea of everybody’s position in the Race, you never can tell.

For the second time this season, Team America’s taxi driver needs to stop for gas and Ron lets out a series of church-approved expletives (“consarnit” and such). This allows Rob & Amber to catch up and they arrive at the Pit Stop only a split-second behind Ron & Kelly. Meanwhile, Team Showtunes is taken to the wrong place (the other Jaswant Thada?) and they need to turn around and head back. This opens the door for Team Codger who, in one of those TAR twists, step on the mat as Team #4 to race another day. (Phil also notes that they’re the oldest team to make it so far in the Race.) Lynn & Alex eventually make it to the end, but they are eliminated. Gratefully, they spend their last moments on the show praising each other instead of griping about Rob & Amber.

Final standings:

#1 – Team Africa – Uchenna & Joyce – FAST FORWARD
#2 – Team America – Ron & Kelly
#3 – Team Survivor – Rob & Amber
#4 – Team Codger – Meredith & Gretchen
#5 – Team Showtunes – Lynn & Alex – ELIMINATED

Extra: Kris is back! After a hiatus last week (for shame!) Kris has her own excellent Amazing Race recap.

Bonus: Brainster also has a TAR update.


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Ohhhhhhhh, that Gretchen's voice is like naaaails on a chalkboard.

  2. Anonymous12:27 AM

    how they made it this far - the codger team that is - is beyond me. but you gotta say, annoying as gretchen is, that's pretty amazing those old people can beat out studly and non-studly younger guys. that's a real tribute to two people that age. I only hope I'm that active when I'm 90...

  3. I liked Joyce's courage and Uchenna's support; too bad they didn't get any special prize for winning the leg.

    They're playing Gretchen as the heavy at this point. "Oh, we got a bad elephant, we got a bad camel, we're going to lose!" Sheesh it sounds like she's going to go out like Ray, blaming her partner for losing the contest for them.

  4. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Gretchen has become so annoying to me that I was actually cheering for the gay guys to beat them out for fourth place. It was almost too painful to watch Joyce getting her head shaved that I switched over to the Orioles game until they were finished. Team Africa is now my favorite team, but assuming Team Codgers luck finally runs out next week, we have the making of a pretty good and evenly matched final three of Team Africa, Team Survivor and Team America.

    The teaser for next week was great. I can't wait to see Ron's response to Kelly after she accused accused him of "getting out" of the military by "being a POW".

  5. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Someone should really find out why Joyce and Uchenna did not get a first place prize like all the other first place finishers. That is not fair since Joyce really made the ultimate sacrifice. Gretchen's voice might be annoying, but you gotta give these 2 credit. Would love to see Rob and Amber eliminated.

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I have a better name for Rob and Amber: Team CBS

  7. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I do love Meredith and Gretchen, God bless them for their strenghth coupled with luck. I sincerely hope they will win.

    I completely detest Rob and Amber's personality, i hope that will finally be out of the race.

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