Thursday, March 17, 2005

Then he took his wife’s private jet to her Idaho mansion

Associated Press: “Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., argued that more oil would be saved if Congress enacted an energy policy focusing on conservation, more efficient cars and trucks and increased reliance on renewable fuels and expanded oil development in the deep-water Gulf where there are significant reserves.”


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    you going to put him in a k-car and keep him protected. let's face it. bigwigs drive big cars. does that justify destroying a huge piece of pristine land for some oil that won't give us that much slack in the OPEC lease anyway? why bother. we aren't going to find alaska to be the promised land for our energy dependency woes. we'll just be leaving more tracks.

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Was this picture taken recently or while Kerry was running for President? If now, why does he need protection anymore than Joe Blow senator from anywhere else?

    Basically, he wastes more energy resources than I will in my lifetime - by virtue of his MANY gas-guzzling vehicles, his private plane junkets all over, and his MANY mansions, compared to my small house and modest vehicles. We actually drove Chevettes for years, even on vacations with a family of four, because of their economy. And when we fly, it's coach. Like to see Kerry do either of those!
