Thursday, March 24, 2005

A smear passes through the bowels of the MSM

Here’s a paragraph from the Boston Globe’s Ellen Goodman on “Death and Politics”:

What about Tom DeLay, for that matter, a politician on his own life support for fund-raising improprieties, who cast himself as Terri's protector against ''medical terrorism." And don't forget the infamous ''talking points" memo ABC News found reminding Republican senators that ''the prolife base will be excited" and it's a ''great political issue."
A memo that, as Powerline has meticulously detailed (starting here, then here and here) is almost certainly a left-wing invention. And here are some additional factoids ignored by the media elite:

The document, which was posted online by ABC News, as well as several Democratic-leaning websites, was unsigned, bore no Senate office letterhead, and was rife with errors, including the incorrect Senate bill number and the misspelling of Schiavo's name. For days, Republicans denied any knowledge of the document, and a number of Republican Senators claimed they had never seen it.
But, of course, the objective ABC News and Ellen Goodman believe what they want to believe. Dump this one on the pile along with the “stolen election of 2000” and the fixed Diebold voting machines.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:29 PM

    You forgot the 100,000 dead Iraqis (137 dead every day, each day, since the liberation. Not possible).
