Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Protecting their racket

According to this WashPost story, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) will be spending millions of dollars in an effort to derail personal accounts as part of Social Security reform. Where does the AARP get all their cash to drive the fight against private investment?

That kind of work is expensive but AARP can afford it. The association took in $350 million last year from a variety of royalty-producing enterprises, including insurance, prescription drugs and mutual funds.
Of course. By the way, not once in the WashPost article is it clarified exactly what the acronym “AARP” stands for. Sloppy journalism, that. But then I’m just one of those crazy bloggers.


  1. There's a crying need for somebody to shadow the AARP's popular programs without the political side of the organization. I have no doubt that if seniors were able to join without having to commit themselves to supporting AARP's political line, a great many would jump ship.

  2. Anonymous1:15 PM

    for being 'non-profit' they sure are profiting at 350-mill. i agree with opine6 about tax exemption status.
