Monday, March 14, 2005

A pajama-clad army of freedom writers

Are bloggers the modern-day Voice of America? Writing in the Boston Globe, Hampton Stephens declares that bloggers have had a profound impact on recent positive world events and could hold the key to liberalization in Iran. From “Uncle Sam’s Blog”:

Although the international blogging phenomenon is in its infancy, Internet trends spread fast, so US foreign policy makers would do well to take notice soon. A chief aim of public diplomacy has always been to foster liberal political culture where authoritarian states are attempting to snuff it out. President Bush clearly believes America's interests are served by the spread of freedom and democracy. To that end, US policy makers should recognize blogging as a perfect tool to promote the proliferation of independent democratic voices.
And there’s this: “Iran's ruling mullahs are clearly worried.” Tremble before us!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh! I really like that - the new Voice of America! Here's a link to an amazing blogger who's working day and night to advocate liberty and justice for an imprisoned Yemeni journalist, a perfect example of Hampton Stevens' piece awaits you at
    Armies of Liberation.
