Monday, March 07, 2005

Nothing to say, nowhere to go

As predicted, the Democrats appearing on the Sunday morning news shows didn’t offer much in ways of solutions for Social Security. The “Tenacity Award” goes to Fox News moderator Chris Wallace who tried – repeatedly – to get House minority leader Nancy Pelosi to offer up something, anything, that resembles a proposal:

WALLACE: Congresswoman Pelosi, you complain — and I think there's some legitimacy to it — about where is the president's plan, but Democrats like to say that Social Security is a hallowed Democratic idea, created by FDR. Where is your plan?
WALLACE: The other side is accusing the Democrats of being obstructionists, of having no ideas of their own...
WALLACE: My question is, the Democrats — it's their plan, Social Security — what is your idea of how to solve the long-term solvency issue?
WALLACE: What's your plan?
WALLACE: What's your plan to solve the long-term solvency?
WALLACE: But I just want to make sure, Congresswoman Pelosi, you know, we're talking about Social Security, the Democratic social program. I didn't hear anything about raising taxes. I didn't hear anything... about cutting benefits. There doesn't seem to be any plan that you are offering to solve the long-term solvency.
WALLACE: But there's a problem now. I'm asking you, do you have an answer?

She didn’t.

Extra: Here’s Kate O’Beirne on “Meet the Press” on the mood shift in the White House:

They're encouraged by polls this week, showing large majorities, some 65 to 72 percent saying, you know, Social Security really does have a serious fiscal problem. They see some movement on the part of Democrats who are now saying, "Well, maybe there are some things we ought to be doing."
And they're also encouraged by polls showing a narrowing in the gap on the question of which party you trust on Social Security. Democrats have long had a very big advantage there, but it's getting narrower so the Republicans are feeling a little more confident. And you heard Senator McConnell say even the Democracy Corps, James Carville's advising the Democrats, "The Republicans are beating you on seriousness. You can't just keep saying no." So the Republicans, the White House certainly, feels as though that's an environment that benefits them.
Interesting times.

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