Friday, March 11, 2005

More on ANWR – By way of Red State and Ex-Donkey, it looks like the Senate Budget Committee fought back an attempt to strip oil exploration in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from the energy bill. This means ANWR exploration cannot be filibustered and, as a budget provision, only requires a majority vote.


  1. ANWR is 2 MILLION acres.

    The Proposed oil facility is 2000 acres.

    Jacko's Neverland ranch is 2774 acres - about 40% BIGGER than the oil facility.

    The proposed oil facility is 1/8000th of ANWR.

    If the Brits and the Norse can drill safely on the North Sea, then the USA can do it safely in on the terra firma of ANWR.

    And 1 MILLION barrels P/D is nothing to sneeze at: when Iraq is attacked by neojihadis and their oil production goes down from 2 million to 1 million, the oil markets respond; (less now then earlier in the recosntruction, because now it is clear that we can recbuild their capacity to ship rapidly).

    I blooged on this yesterday.


    I found this article very informative. I knew that the price of oil is not higher, adjusting for inflation, than it was in the early eighties.

    IMHO, we will be using oil for transportation for a long time because it is so cheap and any technology that would replace gasoline fueled engines would have to pay for their replacement by being cheaper than oil.

    Of course, guessing about technology is kinda dumb so if we are all driving electric cars in 10 years forget what I said.
