Friday, March 25, 2005

Just a soupcon of honesty on Social Security, please

The WashPost editorial today on Social Security unleashes most of its criticism on the Democrats and their “Dishonest Debate”:
The nation faces a severe economic threat from the aging of its population combined with escalating health costs. The sooner it begins to grapple with this problem, the less painful the solution will be. For Mr. Bush, that would mean acknowledging the need for more revenue. For the Democrats, it would require for a smidgeon of honesty about Social Security's state.
RTWT. The WashPost also exposes the hypocrisy of the “Medicare is a bigger problem” distraction: “If they aren't willing to play a constructive role on the supposedly "minor" challenge of Social Security, why should anyone believe that they would behave constructively if the administration wanted to fix Medicare?” Indeed.

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