Friday, March 11, 2005

Fat cats in Congress are playing ostrich with Social Security

The Poliblogger doesn’t find the rhetoric on Social Security particularly helpful:

I don’t care if it qualifies as a crisis or merely a problem – how does relabeling it as a ‘non-crisis’ remove the problem? This is simply renaming the issue and hoping that no one notices that the 800 lb rabid gorilla ithat you’ve now labeled a ‘non-crisis’ is still outside the front door, waiting for you to peek out. Naming the gorilla Fluffy does not help you because sooner or later, you still have to poke your head out.
Steven thinks the problem is politicians are ignoring the math and somehow coalescing around the idea that Social Security is still “manageable” – the way a third-grader “manages” a Rottweiler walking through a hot dog forest. (Too much animal imagery – ed.)

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