Thursday, March 24, 2005

Coming around? - In The Hill, the appropriately named David Hill writes “The Social Security polls will shift” as Americans come to further understand the scope of the problem. Let’s hope so. (Hat tip: SS Choice)


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Tha'st what the Donks fear most -- that public opinion will shift. I recall a recent blog post about a poll showing a slight shift towards the Bush position. Seems it bothered more than a few Donks.

  2. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Really? A political party fears that public opinion could shift away from them? Tell me more!

    In this complicated scenario you weave, I predict that the "Donks" would try to manipulate the debate so that it favors their self-interests. But don't count out the "Pachys"! They could very well try the same trick! Wouldn't that be something?

    The political paradigm has shifted, and it's a whole new world!
