Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Amazing Race update – Mucho rapido, por favor

Teams started out from Lima, Peru and hiked over to the bus station to catch a bus to Arequipa, known as the “White City.” The first bus appears to leave at 6:20 but Rob of Team Survivor finds a security guard who tells him a later bus has fewer stops and arrives sooner. Rob then bribes the guard to keep the information secret, but this subterfuge is discovered and the other teams are not amused.

Once in Arequipa, the teams hit the first Roadblock of the Race: one team member must shine five pairs of shoes on the street. Everybody finishes relatively quickly and the ten teams are separated onto two flights to Santiago, Chile.

In Chile, teams make their way to a statue of the Virgin Mary for their next clue, which is a Detour: Shop or Schlep. Teams must make a choice between shopping for a bunch of ingredients for a Chilean recipe (easy, but finding produce could take time) or carrying 180 books to the Library of Congress (strenuous, but straightforward). This one seems like a coin flip in terms of time required to finish. Most of the younger teams carry books eight blocks down the street while the others search for fish and vegetables in a local food market.

Boy, I don’t like Rob of Team Survivor, but the man can stack books. He loads all 180 books onto a handcart and Rob and Amber make it to the Library far ahead of everybody else. The next clue tells them to head to the Pit Stop where they arrive (dammit) as Team #1. They win a trip to the Caribbean where they can enjoy themselves and roll around in the money they won on Survivor. Did you know they were on Survivor? Yes, Survivor, that lesser reality show.

Team America (Ron & Kelly) takes two trips with the handcart but arrive next, followed closely behind by Team Karate (Ray & Deana). With (almost) all the book carriers completed, we get to see the other Teams buying three kilograms of fish. Funny thing: the fish weighed the required 3kg at the market, but at the restaurant it only weighs 2.9kg! More fish! Team Showtunes (Lynn & Alex) are outraged that they were cheated out of a couple ounces and start yelling at the fish mongers. They’re shooed away in a blizzard of Spanish profanity and macho arm-waving.

Anyway, through some taxi misadventures, Team Spicoli and Team Paris & Nicole are bringing up the rear and somebody’s going to be eliminated. The California brothers Brian and Greg haul books while Megan and Heidi (surprise!) play to their strengths and go shopping. It’s always hard to tell who’s really ahead and behind at this point because TAR always tries to keep viewers guessing with video editing. However this time we see both teams pull up in their respective taxis side-by-side at the Pit Stop. It’s a foot race up some steps to a fountain and Team Spicoli edges out the blondes by only seconds.

Final standings – Leg #2:

#1 – Team Survivor – Rob & Amber
#2 – Team America – Ron & Kelly
#3 – Team Karate – Ray & Deana
[five other teams]
#9 – Team Spicoli – Brian & Greg
#10 – Team Paris & Nicole – Megan & Heidi – ELIMINATED

Next week: Rob, who was on Survivor, competes. Other teams may also be present.


  1. Nice summary but you forgot one important part. Your favorite racer Rob (did you know he was on Survivor?) bribed the bus driver to only open the front door. That allowed 4 teams to get a head start and 3 of them got the first flight out of Peru. Those four teams took the first four places on this leg of the race.

    You gotta give Rob a little credit, he is a devious little sucker (he even kept his share of the bribe money). Personally I hope Ron (the POW) and Kelly win.

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I agree with N.E. Republican. I hope Ron and Kelly win. But I have to admit that Rob, who by the way was on Survivor, may be the most entertaining reality show contestant of all time. He dominated Survivor All-Stars from beginning to end; and, after a slow start last week, seems to have his game going: sizing up the competition, separating those he can trust from those who have made no secret of their dislike for Amber and him, and using every trick in the book (and some not in the book) to get ahead. And he manages to do this with a sense of humor which makes it hard to dislike him for long. Personally, I hope Rob and Amber make it all the way to the final three teams. They are fun to watch.

  3. As much as it pains me to admit, Rob is a genius. The bribe of the bus driver to delay the back door was pure genius. Sending Amber to shine the shoes was also smart. And his skill at organizing the book cart was incredible - the books looked like they were glued in place.

    Give up your irrational envy of the man and simply enjoy watching a true master at work.

    By the way, I started watching Amazing Race because of your summaries. Two episodes in, I'm hooked.

  4. Yep, you and Lorie Byrd have convinced me to start watching the show. Rob and Amber will be tough to beat; they're both very athletic and smart enough not to make mistakes,

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