Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Am I a dork? Be honest - A little piece of trivia about your favorite blogger. If I should happen to be in the cereal aisle at the supermarket, I always point to a certain box and say to my wife: "Kix just keep getting harder to find."


  1. Anonymous11:11 PM


    But Trix is for kids :-)

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    "It seems like kix just keep getting harder to find,
    All your kix ain't bringing you peace of mind,... Before you find out it's too late.....You think you're gonna find yourself a little piece of paradise,
    But, it ain't happened yet, so now you'd better think twice,
    Don't you see, no matter what you do,
    You'll never run away from you
    If you keep on running, you'll have to pay the price."

    The Monkees want thier SS endowment! Like hey,you didn't keep it in the lock box with the stash?! BUMMER!!!

  3. Anonymous1:00 PM

    You don't need Kix to help you face the world each day.

    Crunchberry Fields Forever!

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Many times when family members hand me something or give me something I say "Thanks for the gumball, Mickey" (from that old commercial from my childhood for a Mickey Mouse gumball machine -- a kid thanks Mickey for the gumball --anyone else remember? -- you'd have to be at least 40 + )

    I have been saying that for years. Dorky? Who cares?!

  5. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Every morning the Trids got up, ate breakfast, and marched over the bridge to Tridville to work. One morning, a troll moved in under the bridge. When the Trids tried to cross the bridge, the troll climbed up and kicked the Trids all the way back to their homes. The Trids decided to take the day off in hopes that the troll would go away, but the next morning the troll once again climbed up onto the bridge and kicked them back to their homes. In desperation, the Trids decided to ask the Rabbi for help. So the next morning the Rabbi walked across the bridge several times but never saw the troll. He went home believing the troll had indeed moved on. When the Trids tried to cross the bridge afterward, the troll climbed up again and kicked the Trids back home. The Rabbi returned to the bridge and called out for the troll. When the troll appeared, the Rabbi asked why he was allowed to cross the bridge but not the Trids. The troll replied, "Silly Rabbi, kicks are for Trids". Submitted by Mark Crawford

    Link I first heard this joke a few decades, and still love it.
