Monday, February 07, 2005

MC Hammer has the greatest agent in America

How does he do it? How does a washed-up one-hit-wonder who is now a punchline to a joke about “The Surreal Life” able to finagle himself into not one but TWO Superbowl commercials?!? That ain’t right. Anyway, Slate reviews the best and the worst of the Super bowl commercials, including this zinger: “A Lays potato chips ad uses MC Hammer for comedic value. Sadly, no comedy results.”

Allow me to nod along with this statement: “Remember when we all thought Bud was a genius marketing company, back in the heyday of the Whassup ads? Now Bud spends all its ad time bickering with Miller. Verdict: Bud's lost its footing.” Except for the “returning troops” commercial, lame lame lame. Note: one of my favorite Super Bowl ads of all time is the one where two guys must decide between toilet paper and Bud Light. They take the Bud Light, then emphatically request “paper” when asked “paper or plastic.” Then – and this is what made it great – the cashier asks if they want their one-inch-long receipt. It’s quickly snatched away. Classic.

Extra: Sports Illustrated reviews the ads along with Daniel Drezner.

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