Monday, January 24, 2005

This blows: Rob and Amber from “Survivor” will be in “The Amazing Race 7”

Why? They already have a million between them. Silly me, I thought the allure of “TAR” was that it pitted ordinary people against each other in a race around the world. Now it’s exactly one step away from “I’m a Celebrity, get me out of here!” Sad.


  1. Last season TAR had a scary couple from Big Brother on. I was disappointed about that one, too. I enjoyed the first season or two best when the participants were normal and not all models and actors. Some were even *gasp* overweight!

  2. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I don't mind Rob & Amber being on TAR. They're only one team and at least they're interesting. They'll actually probably be really competitive: they're athletic, smart and while he's excitable, she's a calming influence.

    What will really tick me off is if they continue to have such excessive bunching in the next season. I want *all* of a team's actions on the race to count, not just the last one.

  3. First, at least the Big Brother couple were knocked out early last season. Second, I totally agree about the bunching - it is completely out of control in this season. Even the "no money" penalty is useless considering how Hayden & Aaron came back this last episode.
