Sunday, January 02, 2005

Speaking of unlikable Bay Staters

No, not me - everybody loves me! John Kerry opened his big yap for Newsweek, or rather, sat on the couch and wondered: “Why don’t people like me?” Lorie Byrd has some thoughts as does Matt Margolis.

IMO, the most cringeworthy moment in the interview is when Kerry announces he’s going to return to the Senate and “introduce two bills in the Senate: to provide for health insurance for every child in America and to increase the size of the U.S. military by 40,000 troops.”

What this suggests to me is that Kerry suddenly discovered that he should have had some kind of history of achievement, some legislation with his name on it, before running for the highest office in America. Now he’s going to be the great advocate for the nation after spending twenty years in the Senate passing bills on fishing rights and dolphins.

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