Thursday, January 20, 2005

Satellite radio roundup

On a humorous note: This morning, I had on the Country station which was playing a song titled “I’m a Truck” by Red Simpson. Then I switched to the Fifties station which was playing Fats Domino’s “I’m gonna be a wheel someday.” I should have flipped to the Sixties station for “(She’s my) Little Deuce Coupe” and other car-thropomorphic songs.

On a less-serious note: BBC News broadcast a piece about American inaugurations before moving into the Condi Rice hearings. First, they cited Kennedy’s speech “in 1960.” (Strike one – it was 1961). Next they stated that Condi Rice sat through “two full days of hearings.” (Strike two – it was more like one day and a couple hours). Finally, they declared that Senator Joe Biden voted against Dr. Rice’s nomination. (Strike three – he voted for it). All within five minutes.

Finally, on Fox News (the television station audio), Nancy Pelosi was sitting down with the morning crew. There were some genial blurbs about the Bush inaugural, the Rice hearings, the cold weather. But when asked about Social Security, Ms. Pelosi said that Democrats are willing to work with the President as long as the reform doesn’t 1.) expand the public debt or 2.) cut benefits. Hmmm…I’m TAXing my brain to figure out what other option she has in mind.

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