Saturday, January 29, 2005

Mark Kilmer has the rundown of the guests on the Sunday news shows. I couldn’t agree more with this statement: “Host Tim Russert will talk to JF Kerry. Non-stop. For the entire show. Irrelevancy on the day of the first democratic election in Iraq.” I’ll probably watch the late repeat on CNBC anyway.


  1. It took so long for this to load, I can't remember what the post was about.

    Oh right! I thought the same thing about Kerry being on. Basically... why? On the same day as both Lugar and Biden were talking sense on one of the other channels, and Dan Rather couldn't seem to find any negative spin to report live from Iraq. I figure that's why he looked so stressed.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    The irrelevant Tim Russert wasting an hour of air time on the Loser of the New Millenium. That's one hour of time I didn't waste today.

  3. So, Eric, did you watch it on CNBC last night?
