Sunday, January 09, 2005

GMTA, of course

Yesterday I sardonically asked here and in a sort-of mirror post on Blogs for Bush: “Who says the Democrats are out of fresh ideas?”

And here’s the wonderful Mark Steyn today:

But, as the 2004 field reminded us, this isn't a party exactly brimming with talent and fresh faces. And, as for ideas, when was the last time you heard a fresh policy from a Democrat? The serious arguments about war, social security, immigration and pretty much everything else are all within factions of the right. The Democrats' only contribution is to insist that someone in Halliburton has figured out a way to get the touch-screen voting machines to make Democrats' votes vanish. Democrats' votes are vanishing because Democrat voters are vanishing because Democrat intellectual energy has all but vanished. Or as Republican Congresswoman Deborah Pryce summed up Thursday's Boxer rebellion: ''Their objection is a front for their lack of ideas.''

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    And a majority of Americans have concluded that a party that has nothing to offer but hissy-fits is not the right party to govern.
