Sunday, January 02, 2005

Blinded by the obvious

The crack staff at the New York Times informs us that “Bigger Republican Majority Plans to Push Bush Agenda”: “A more Republican and more conservative Congress convenes on Tuesday, with Republicans intending to use their greater strength in the House and Senate to help President Bush pursue a second-term agenda of major changes in bedrock programs like Social Security and income taxes.”

So the Republicans, who have defied history by expanding their majority in Congress over two election cycles, are going to advance the agenda of the Republican President?!? Stop the presses!

In other news: the sun rose in the East today. The East.

[Cross-posted on Blogs for Bush]

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:03 PM


    Hehehe. What an unbiased headline. In the meantime, those keen journalistic minds missed a real milestone - according to this report we went negative on Medicare and Social Security in 2004, with the deficit equal to about 3.6% of federal income taxes. The gap is projected to be more than 7% of federal income taxes by 2004.

    It seems radical, but could numbers like those be adding urgency to the reform movement? Given that our youngsters are paying historically high Med/SS taxes, and now they have to pay income taxes to support these programs as well?

    Nah. Just those extreme rightwingers inventing a problem where none exists in order to destroy the beautiful edifice of social justice built up over the "American" century.
