Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Amazing Race update: Speedos and polo and soup, oh my!

Hey, I’m back on track after catching the 9pm episode tonight. Here’s the rundown.

Team Wrestling (Lori & Bolo) were last seen crouching in the rain waiting for a train to Budapest while the other teams raced ahead. The situation looked bad. But then – wait! – there’s a 2:50am train to Budapest. They race to the Internet café, then straight to the train museum while all the other teams sleep at a cheap hotel. Worst to first!

All the teams had to take turns traveling on a short train ride to the clue box. Team Wrestling find the first Fast Forward of the game, meaning they can skip all other tasks and go straight to the Pit Stop if they do one task. In this case, they need to travel to some catacombs and drink pig blood, just like real vampires. They chug blood and arrive at the Pit Stop as Team #1.

All the other teams are forced into the Detour: Polo or Paddle. Teams can either play water polo and score a single goal or pump up rafts and paddle across the Danube river. All the hot girls (oh, and guys) play water polo so we get to see Kris, Hayden, Rebecca, etc. in Speedos. Only Gus and Hera decide to ferry across the Mersey and right away you can tell that this was a poor choice.

On to the Roadblock, where one member of each team must eat a very spicy bowl of Hungarian soup. The most macho members of each team (e.g. Rebecca over Adam) take on this task, except for wife-beater and backpack-dropper Ike Turner Jonathan who makes Tina Turner his wife eat the soup. She struggles and Jonathan belittles her as a “drama queen” even though almost everybody is vomiting as they try to eat the soup. What a guy! Note: every time you hear a reality-game contestant explain that he looks like an ass because of “editing” – it’s not the editing.

Anyway…even though “TAR” tries to build suspense for who might be eliminated in the end, they just couldn’t hide this one. Gus and Hera arrive way late to the roadblock and last to the Pit Stop, where they are eliminated.


  1. I'm still waiting for either Coco or Lobo to piledrive that piece of dirt and abandon his semi-conscious ass at the end of a dark alley in "the poor section" of Bangladesh.

    How much would it have sucked for "I ate my own puke" boy to get eliminated after eating his "customized" soup?

  2. They should have named this one the vomitorium episode.

    I look forward to the day when Victoria claims the prize money and demands a divorce in front of the cameras. On the other hand, it'd be nicer if Jonathan's bungee cord failed in the middle of a drop.
