Thursday, December 02, 2004

Smoking is bad? Who knew!?! - At the duty-free shop in Amsterdam, all the cigarettes had LARGE PRINT warnings like: "Smokers die early" and "Smoking reduces fertility rates" and "Tobacco is the tool of Satan." OK, I made that last one up, but I almost took a picture except I thought it would have been strange snapping a photo in a store.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I don't understand why there's such a coziness with smoking amongst many of my fellow conservatives. Don't get me wrong --- I'm all for defending people's right to do it, but I think it's ridiculous that we ignore one of the major reasons health premiums keep going up. Smoking literally kills you. And there are tons of young people emulating the WWII generation and lighting up. Isn't it interesting that the countries that have socialized medicine are the ones with these dire warnings on cigarettes? It couldn't be because the state is footing the billions for smoking-related treatment every year, could it? I don't care how much the tobacco companies give to the RNC, if slapping a skull and crossbones on every cigarette package will lead to my health insurance premium going down, slap that baby on! I think at least Pat Buchanan would agree.
