Monday, December 06, 2004

No retreat, no surrender, no power

Here’s Armstrong Williams in Human Events Online:

The final tear came after the election. [NAACP President Kweisi] Mfume suggested sending a letter to President Bush, mapping out ways that they could work together to help the community. [NAACP Chairman Julian] Bond rejected the idea. Mfume sent the letter anyway. To Bond, this was an unforgivable. A few weeks later, Bond had Mfume voted out. The message was clear: There is no room within the NAACP for intellectual diversity. Just loyal servitude to the Democratic Party.
President Bush ignored the NAACP in 2004 and his percentage of the black vote went up by 2% over his 2000 ratio. If Julian Bond persists in his jihad against the “American Taliban” of the GOP, then he can continue to lead his organization into irrelevancy.

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