Friday, December 17, 2004

Merry Christmas!

Saudi Christian convert arrested and jailed

A Saudi citizen converted to Christianity has been arrested and jailed. Emad Alaabadi was taken into custody last November 29, at Hofuf, a town in eastern Saudi Arabia, but the news was reported only a few days ago by the International Christian Concern (ICC), a Washington-based human rights group. AsiaNews local sources have confirmed the report, and also say that he “is not the only Saudi Christian in jail at the moment: there are also others”.
Shades of a modern-day inquisition: “On December 4, he managed to contact his mother, who lives in Australia, by telephone, to let her know what had happened and where he was. The mother reported that he sounded very weak: ICC said that the Muttawa agents probably tortured the Christian-faith Amad to reconvert him to Islam.”


  1. Probably they will just kill him, after all the penalty for such behaviour is death.

  2. Anonymous9:53 PM

    The Saudis could resolve all conflict and end all debate by just declaring this guy an "enemy combatant." Problem solved, no harm, no foul.
