Friday, December 31, 2004

It's about the tragedy

The United States has announced that it will increase it's contribution to disaster relief by ten-fold, from $35 million to $350 million. Naturally, this will trigger a round of "less than the cost of a B-2 bomber" or "a fraction of what America spends on video games." John Podhoretz reminds everybody that "It's about the tragedy - not more Bush bashing."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    'Pragmatic and cynical' is my preferred cup of tea, too. But if that logic truly appeals to your sense of perspective, consider that the death toll at the Twin Towers was 2% of the tsunami's. And yet nobody's talking about a "changed, post-12/26 world." Therefore, in pure global terms, what was the WTC fuss about?

    But if Beowulf's saying the Earth would be seven times better off had the tidal wave hit Times Square instead-- wrecking Guiliani's Mall of America while taking out vomiting yahoos in tinsel hats and Maroon 5-- then I'm right there with him, baby. Seacrest... OUT!

