Wednesday, December 22, 2004

How much for a Big Mac? $5.46 in Switzerland. $1.26 in China.


  1. Anonymous2:17 PM

    ahh.. but you have to factor in more than just the upfront cost.. time is money, too

    the average wait for a Big Mac in China is about 4.6 hours.. now, if you multiply that by the average hourly rate of 17 Renminbi per day (or $2.05 USD).. and that's really with a 72 hour workweek (12 hours per day).. the wait at the drive-thru costs the typical Nike worker the equivalent of 79 cents

    so the true cost of the Big Mac in China is really $2.05.. or one day's income

    and let's not even mention that the worker has to call in sick that day just to get in line.. which costs both the worker and Nike even more!

    compare this to Switzerland where Big Macs are readily accessible, and nobody cares if it takes a little longer to make that cuckoo clock

  2. Anon,

    Are you musing? One can walk into a McDonalds in, for example, Shenzhen, Beijing or Xian and get your Big Mac in less than five minutes, peak hour; slightly off peak, odds are 50-50 you not wait behind another customer. Now from what I have seen at the drive thrus, wait times are endless and you will die before getting a Big Mac for the simple reason that they don't have them. Crummy sakes, McDonalds restaurants there don't even have parking lots! People walk, and take buses or cabs. Some ride bikes and there are a lot of cars but the vast, vast majority do not drive.

    I am not familiar with 'average wages in China' though I am with many wage scales in Shenzhen. Clerks at quality retail stores can get 3K+ RMB a month or about 18 RMB an hour; normal work day is about 7 or 8 hours. Clerks in public dept stores get same or more, those in private stores, maybe in the 25-30K People with permits to work in Shenzhen (those from areas outside Shenzhen) often populating employment markets such as hotel and restaurant are paid less (8 to 10) and work more (8hrs) but receive room and board (usually two meals a day). (BTW most employers pay health insurance.) I understand it is not much different except for COL in Beijing (slightly higher than Shenzhen) or Xian (lower).

    I should note that while there are many things in China that are expensive, food is not one of them and wait times at restaurants, no matter which one, do not really exist (and you do not make reservations anywhere.)

    I should note that eating at McDonalds is expensive in China. The 'fast food' restaurant around the corner will have great food and fill you up for the price of 10 (lunch) to 30 RMB (dinner). (If you visit during shrimp season, it's likely get all you can eat for free, although it is possible you might have to pay 4RMB/kg.)

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM

    yes Dusty.. I was just musing.. but thanks for the real info.. that was interesting!
