Friday, December 24, 2004

Heading for a showdown

Refusing to be brushed off by Democratic opposition in the Senate, President Bush plans to nominate for a second time 20 people who did not receive up or down votes on their nominations for federal judgeships.
I’ve always thought that judicial nominations was something of a hidden issue with Americans, obviously not as important as Iraq or the war on terror, but a possible tipping factor for people who belive that the Constitution gives the President the right to frame the judiciary. After getting their clocks cleaned in the Senate (losing four seats in November) will the Democrats stand in the way again?

I’m inclined to believe they will. As I’ve opined before, the Democratic party is now a completely reactionary presence in Washington. They have degenerated into the party of Professor Wagstaff (from Horse Feathers):

Professor Wagstaff: [singing] I don't know what they have to say / It makes no difference anyway / Whatever it is, I'm against it. / No matter what it is or who commenced it, I'm against it! / Your proposition may be good / But let's have one thing understood: / Whatever it is, I'm against it. / And even when you've changed it or condensed it, I'm against it! / For months before my son was born / I used to yell from night till morn: / Whatever it is, I'm against it! / And I've kept yelling since I've first commenced it, I'm against it.
My advice to President Bush: say to Harry Reid “Please filibuster the judicial nominees.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:23 PM

    We should call these the "Tom Daschle Memorial Nominations."

    -- Bob Hawkins
