Thursday, December 16, 2004

For better or worse / The year in verse

THE second of November and the morning of the vote,
The candidates seemed neck and neck and not inclined to gloat.
By midnight, though, it all was clear, the prize had gone to Bush,
The hammer of Saddam Hussein, Iran, the Hindu Kush.
A warrior the voters chose, a man to love and dread,
A Christian, a patriot, who'd paint the country red.

AND red indeed it looked next day: both Senate and the House,
Were redder than the day before, the Democrats would grouse.
Moreover, in 11 states the fate of marriage gay
Had fallen foul of prejudice and men like Tom DeLay,
Who'd mashed the map of Texas, despite the protests heard,
With help from one Bush liked to call the Blossom of the Turd.
From the Economist: January-June & July-December.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Behold the Swedo-American Pundit:
    Protests too much he doth.
    Perhaps a liberal wrapped in conservative cloth?

    Furiously he cobbles his arguments:
    He loves to cut and paste.
    That groovy mind - such a horror to see its waste.
