Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Amazing Race 6 update

Talk about culture shock: tonight the teams traveled from Stockholm, Sweden to Dakar, Senegal on the west coast of Africa. Once again this season, we see teams failing to get a fixed price from taxi drivers who simply double-triple-quadruple the cab fare at will, leading to intense arguments.

At the first detour, teams must either take a boat into the ocean and try to catch four fish or stack hundreds of fish on a drying table before they can move on. Here’s a tip: whenever a detour involves going up in the air or out on the water, always choose the task that keeps your feet on solid ground. Six teams stacked fish while Team Don & Mary Jean and Team Gus & Hera head out into the ocean. As expected, the stackers finish first while these two teams bring up the rear.

At the roadblock, one member from each team must wade out into a salt lake and collect enough salt from the lake bottom to fill a wicker basket. The male audience of the Amazing Race must have enjoyed this one immensely since all the women chose to perform this roadblock (except for Hera). And, yes, I’m including the man-child Adam as a “woman” since I’m quite sure that teammate Rebecca has a bigger set than him. For heaven’s sake: the guy is supposed to be a physical trainer and the women whipped him good. Afterward, all the teams head to a ferry that takes them to the pit stop.

On the last episode of TAR, in a fit of immature bravado, man-child Adam told Rebecca he would throw himself under a train if she said she didn’t love him. Tonight, sensing that Rebecca has had enough of his preschool whining and looking for some sympathy, Adam says: “I’m going to jump off this boat.” Rebecca calls his bluff and replies: “That would be great.” Sadly, Adam does not jump off the boat.

Team Kris & Jon win yet again, serving notice that they’re the team to beat in the race. As predicted by yours truly, Team Don & Mary Jean come in last. However, lucky for them, this is the first non-elimination leg and they’re still in the race.

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