Wednesday, November 03, 2004

So much to say

I'm not lazy - this is the first time today I've been able to get access to Blogger. I think servers are being overloaded all over the Internets.

A couple of things: my prediction of 289 EV for Bush was verrrry close (looks like 286 right now).

Today's Doonesbury cartoon, created long before Election Day, was unintentionally ironic but not in the way Trudeau planned it.

For a laugh, check out the final Tradesports and Iowa Electonic Market results.

I agree with just about everything in this Wizbang post about the bankruptcy of the Democratic party and at some point I'm going to write about how DNC chair Terry McAuliffe has been simply the greatest gift to the GOP. This post on the Corner about the need for grownups in the Democratic Party is also apt.

Head on over to Blogs for Bush for some more commentary until I get back.

Great day, great day.

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